绁濊春浣犮? You take over the computer industry's most prestigious and most difficult task, reward the first year is 20 million U.S. dollars - USD 54,790 per day (including weekends).
There is no doubt that you would like to hear the consultant's recommendation. I can provide advice free of charge to you, so you can save 700,000 dollars in consultancy fees (This is equivalent to the minimum level of 8 employees plus insurance, you can not fire), and you are free to print these recommendations .
姒傛嫭鍦拌,浣犻渶瑕佸仛浠ヤ笅鍑犵偣锛?br />
1.鎷ユ姳鍔犳嬁澶фā寮?br />
浣滀负涓?釜鍥藉锛屽姞鎷垮ぇ鍐充笉浼氫互宸ㄤ汉鑷眳妯涓栫晫锛屼篃涓嶄細閲嶆柊鍒掑畾杈圭晫鎴栨敼鍙樺熀鏈殑缁忔祹鍏崇郴銆?Also, you never see European intellectuals despised the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "Hockey Night in Canada" or other programs. In the computing world, HP is Canada. It will never be as big as IBM, Dell will not be the same as being accused of lack of innovation. HP is a friendly option. Avis car rental companies are getting rich with this method.
2. Hardware how to make money
Over the years, Dell is the fastest growing, most profitable PC company.濡傛灉璁$畻鏈哄彉鎴愪簡鏃ョ敤鍝?寰堟樉鐒舵埓灏旂殑浜у搧灏嗘瘮鎯犳櫘鐨勬垚鏈洿浣庛?瀹為檯涓婏紝鎴村皵浜у搧鐨勫钩鍧囦环鏍间篃缁忓父楂樹簬HP鐨勩?涓庢绫讳技锛屽幓骞村彴婀惧畯鍩哄叕鍙稿嚟鍊熸柊濂囩殑绗旇鏈í鎵浜氬競鍦猴紝澶ц禋浜嗕竴绗斻?
Different with Acer, Hewlett-Packard's operations throughout the world.鍘诲勾,HP涓烘秷璐圭骇鍙板紡鏈哄厤璐规彁渚汥VD鍒诲綍鏈猴紝杩欐槸浣庢。PC涓婄殑涓?釜楂樻。鍔熻兘锛岃繖鍒板簳鏄兂鎷夋嫝浣庣椤惧杩樻槸鎯崇枏杩滈珮绔【瀹紵鍦℉P鐨勬湇鍔″櫒涓氬姟涓篃鏈夌浉鍚岀殑闂銆?br />
Gartner Dataquest鐨勫垎鏋愬笀Charles Smulders璇村緱涓嶉敊锛氭儬鏅渶瑕侀?鍑轰竴浜涘湴鍖哄拰甯傚満锛屼互渚夸笓娉ㄤ簬鍏朵粬銆?br />
You can weaken the low-end products, increase investment in India and China, with designer high-end PC users in established markets, or in between these points were carefully integrated. In any case, this should be able to make money - just to be careful planning.
HP should sell all of the commercial hardware, but the consumer machines through retail channels.杩欎細寰楀埌娓犻亾鍚堜綔浼欎即鐨勭悊瑙o紝鍥犱负瀹冧滑鐨勫埄娑﹀ぇ閮ㄥ垎鏉ヨ嚜鏈嶅姟銆?And, you can choose Lenovo Group as the channel partners.
4.鎴愪负IP渚涘簲鍟?br />
鎯犳櫘浠庢潵涓嶇己浼熷ぇ鐨勭瀛﹀銆備絾鏄競鍦烘帹骞挎柟闈竴鐩村緢宸紝鑰屼笖寰堜笉骞革紝璺熷悍鏌忓叕鍙稿悎骞跺甫杩涙潵鐨勮澶氬競鍦哄ソ鎵嬩篃宸茬粡琚В闆囦簡銆傚洜姝?瑕佸姫鍔涘悜鍠勪簬閿?敭鐨勫叕鍙告彁渚涙洿澶氱殑鎶?湳鎺堟潈銆?Such as crossbar switch technology in the semiconductor field can be a big selling price.
5. To please the doctors, soldiers and security personnel
鐜板湪鏈変笁涓競鍦哄緢绻佽崳锛氬崼鐢熶繚鍋ャ?鍥介槻鍜屽浗鍦熷畨鍏ㄣ? The HP Labs out of things to meet their needs.鍦ㄦ浖褰绘柉鐗瑰ぇ瀛︼紝鐮旂┒浜哄憳姝e湪瀵绘壘鎶婃墦鍗版満鐨勫柗澶寸敤浜庨浘鍖栦汉绫荤粏鑳炵殑鏂规硶銆?You guys in the lab have enough nozzles can spray a complete spleen to the body.
Similarly, HP has many wireless communications technologies, which in the field of sensors and RFID can have tremendous effects.
6. Get rid of consumer electronics
娑堣垂鐢靛瓙寰堟湁瓒o紝浣嗘槸寰堝皯鏈変汉鑳戒粠涓專鍒伴挶銆?Samsung does, but because of the production component on its own, but HP had the market years ago out of components. Frankly, no one wanted to buy an HP TV.鍙繚鐣欐暟鐮佺浉鏈轰笟鍔★紝鍏跺畠鐨勯兘搴旇涓㈡帀銆?br />
7. Do not be too low-key
Many people think that Carly Fiorina failed in part because she was a traditional company was a bright star.鍒嗘瀽瀹跺拰鍐呴儴鐨勭鐞嗕汉鍛樼幇鍦ㄩ兘鍛婅瘔浣犺浣庤皟銆?br />
These recommendations are a good starting point. HP is very traditional. Dave Packard's office is still there, all still the same are related to the day he retired.鏈変笓浜鸿礋璐g淮鎶ら偅閲岀殑涓?垏锛屽ソ鍍忎粬杩樿兘璧锋鍥炵敓鍥炴潵鍠濋洩纰с?
But you do not go overboard. Despite Fiorina's downfall, investors, employees and customers want a leader to show due temperament.
But you can do this quietly. Michael Dell is like that. Whenever he speaks, he'll say something sarcastic wisecrack about competitors, and make their comments, which allow you to know how he thought. Do not hold heavy metal concerts, but you can achieve the same effect.
Fiorina could not explain why she needed all those private jets.鎴戠殑寤鸿鏄細鍗栨帀瀹冧滑锛岀粰鍏徃涔颁竴浜涙父鑹囥?鎯充竴涓嬩綘浼氬彈鍒板涔堢儹鐑堢殑娆㈣繋銆?The staff sit in the captain's seat, so they "mystery tree" posters to take home.
鎯犳櫘涓轰簡鎻愪緵璁$畻涓氬姟锛屾彁鍑轰簡鑷?搴斾紒涓氭垬鐣ワ紝鏄庣溂浜洪兘鑳界湅鍑烘潵杩欐槸涓轰粈涔堛?鍏跺疄IBM鏃╁氨缁欒繖绉嶄笟鍔¤捣浜嗕竴涓ソ鍚嶅瓧锛氶殢闇?簲鍙橈紙On Demand锛夈?骞茶剢鐨勮杈擄紝鎶婁綘浠殑涓氬姟鍙仛"鏈嶅姟鎭愰緳"灏辫浜嗐?
浣滆?灏忎紶锛歁ichael Kanellos鏄疌NET鐨勭紪杈戯紝浠栬礋璐g‖浠躲?鐮斿彂銆佹柊鍏翠紒涓氬拰娴峰鎶?湳浜т笟绛夋澘鍧椼?鏇剧粡浠庝簨寰嬪笀銆佹梾娓镐綔瀹跺拰琛楄竟灏忚穿绛夎亴涓氥?
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