Free MP3/WMA/OGG Converter helps you convert WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA, WAV to MP3, OGG to MP3, etc with friendly interface and lots of useful features. It can also merge multiple files into one big file, support MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats. Free MP3/WMA/OGG Converter allows you to easily convert multiple audio files at one click. It's simple design allows you to effortlessly convert your audio files with ease.
Simple, very fast and effective.
Convert all your Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Wav files.
Convert WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA, convert WAV to MP3, OGG to MP3, MP3 to OGG files;
Convert to MP3 files from WAV, WMA, OGG etc;
Support batch conversion;
Merge multiple files into one big file, support MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats;
Copy ID3 tag between audio formats ( reserve ID3 tag during conversion);
When converting to MP3 files, bitrate, VBR or CBR, stereo or mono are selectable;
When you convert WMA to MP3, Bitrate is selectable.
Why choose Free Mp3/Wma/Ogg Converter?
So easy to use that only a few clicks are enough;
Provide fast converting speed. Convert a general song within several seconds;
Support all popular audio formats;
Exclusive WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA converter meets your 99% requirements;
100% FREE!
Simple, very fast and effective.
Convert all your Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Wav files.
Convert WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA, convert WAV to MP3, OGG to MP3, MP3 to OGG files;
Convert to MP3 files from WAV, WMA, OGG etc;
Support batch conversion;
Merge multiple files into one big file, support MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats;
Copy ID3 tag between audio formats ( reserve ID3 tag during conversion);
When converting to MP3 files, bitrate, VBR or CBR, stereo or mono are selectable;
When you convert WMA to MP3, Bitrate is selectable.
Why choose Free Mp3/Wma/Ogg Converter?
So easy to use that only a few clicks are enough;
Provide fast converting speed. Convert a general song within several seconds;
Support all popular audio formats;
Exclusive WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA converter meets your 99% requirements;
100% FREE!